Monday, February 15, 2010


The Author is a self declared avid reader of all genres. A photographer, wife, sister, daughter, slave to a cute puppy, ancient history buff, Peta and Greenpeace supporter, football and hockey fan, online addict, fortune teller extraordinaire, sarcastic, mysterious, analytical to fault and amateur cringing writer, etc. etc.

With that out of the way, I've pledged three following things:

  1. One - Will write everyday - even if product is crap.
  2. Two - Will write at least 1 new Chapter each week and post it here on the BLOG.
  3. Three - Will finish this book - having gained, dare, experience, patience to handle criticism and means to face the fear of other people reading my work.
  • I love ♥ love Comments! This means I would love if you’d drop a line or two after reading.
  • The text is at it is, I can use Word's correction program all I want but there will be slip-ups and oh-I-didn't-notice-that's. Ignore those, I'll get them at some point.
  • I'm a romantic person at heart - so it just has to be dealt with that there will always be a love interest in my books. I also curse a lot with my characters, but not excessively, she just has a potty mouth.

With this out of the way... Feel free to guide your friends here too.

Much L.O.V.E,

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