Excerpt from Chapter 1, to read the full chapter click here: Chapter 1


He froze.

‘Didn’t think I knew?’ I sipped the wine again, glass half empty now. ‘I do know, so get your frigging fangs away from me before I have to go all Buffy on you.’

He leaned back. ‘That’s bit harsh.’ He took his glass and took a deep drink.

‘Didn’t you think it was weird you didn’t hear all my thoughts, let alone be unable to effect them.’ I asked.

‘Well, all I know you could have been a little thick in the head.’ He cocked up an eyebrow and grimaced.

‘No dishing the girl with means and tools to decapitate you.’ I sighed. ‘Will you just leave, I’m off duty.’ I sipped the wine, going through the glass bit too fast, slow down.

‘Well, I just happen to be off duty too.’ He grunted but didn’t move. ‘What’s that smell?’ He sniffed me, leaning in.

‘Hey!’ I pushed him out of the reach of my jugular.

‘You smell like ectoplasm.’ He snorted, and added a laugh.

‘I do not.’ I tried to smell myself with poor coordination. ‘Ectoplasm doesn’t smell.’

‘To you.’ He smiled a wry smile. ‘I’m bit more apt in smelling such.’

I sighed, and tugged the purple chiffon shirt down a little. ‘I had a little trouble with cursed mansion haunting.’

‘You got goo’d.’ He guessed excessively well.

I laughed a little. ‘I got goo’d.’

I studied his face, he didn’t look hungry at the moment, and so what’s the harm in chatting a little, he was after all most interesting of the bunch here. ‘What are you doing here?’

‘Is that a philosophical universally echoed age old question?’ He breathed in.

I snorted. ‘No, it’s the one about why you are in Helsinki.’

‘I am on vacation.’ He breathed in again and gave me another once over.

‘Quit that. Vacation from what?’

‘I couldn’t possibly give it all up in front.’ His strong looking fingers played with the glass.

Something tingled at the very edge of my mind, it was like a ripple. ‘Do you... feel that?’

‘I feel something.’ He grinned, obviously either not caring or not curious.

‘Well-- this was fun.’ I sipped whatever was left the wine and grabbed my little clutch, paid and left. I was already half way out of the door when I felt his breath tickle my neck.

‘Whoa, mister!’ I held him at arm’s length, I eyed him, he didn’t look hungry, but you could never be sure, so it was good to always keep your guard up.

‘I’m not a least bit hungry for you, thick headed girl.’ He grinned wickedly.

Sure. Blood is blood, dude. You can be old and in control but blood is blood. I removed my hand anyway, to not create a scene and turned on my heels to try to sense the wibe again.

He followed. His hands in his slack pockets, white shirt hanging loose from the pants - darn - concentrate. The ripple had died, leaving me searching what created it from my memory, illusion demons? Shit I sure hope it wasn’t an illusion demon cause then I’d be seriously screwed, the only thing I carried with me was sage to repel it and dead man’s ashes to guard myself.

‘I don’t think it’s an illusion demon.’ He said coolly, and smiled as I turned to him, hmmm, he seemed to get my head when I was otherwise occupied. ‘I can’t feel demons anywhere near us. Helsinki, with what the name implying all kinds of action, has very few demons.’

‘Sure, I’ll just take the word of a vampire.’ I snarled. ‘I’m not that thick headed.’

I felt the ripple again. ‘Upstairs.’ I crammed myself into the tiny glassy observation elevator, and picked top floor - see if you have to inspect every floor of a building it makes sense to start from the top. The door closed on me, leaving the vampire out, I smiled and dug around my clutch for the essential, pushed them in the jean pockets and stuffed the clutch in the back of my jeans. Shit - why did I have to pick the bedazzled clutch? I was going to have an impeded flower sticking out of ass by the end of the day. The doors opened and I stared at the vampire.