‘Sure, I’ll just take the word of a vampire.’ I snarled. ‘I’m not that thick headed.’

‘You got goo’d.’ He guessed excessively well.
I laughed a little. ‘I got goo’d.’


‘Didn’t think I knew?’ I sipped the wine again, glass have empty now. ‘I do know, so get your frigging fangs away from me before I have to go all Buffy on you.’


The door closed on me, leaving the vampire out, I smiled and dug around my clutch for the essential, pushed them in the jean pockets and stuffed the clutch in the back of my jeans. Shit - why did I have to pick the bedazzled clutch? I was going to have an impeded flower sticking out of ass by the end of the day.


Sexist pig, I murmured under my breath, heading down the stairs too to catch up.
‘I heard that.’ His voice was tight.
‘I knew you would.’ I smiled at his back.
Now if I were a mystical unidentified ripple in the air, where would I be?
The look the vampire gave me was nothing short of a mental snort - which ticked me off a little.

He reached for my throat, well as he was shorter than I was, aim went to my boobs.
The vampire snapped his arm and broke it before it reached me. ‘Tsk, tsk, no touching.’ He cocked up a grin and bared his teeth.


‘Bite me and die.’ I cocked the trembling gun to his jaw.


‘You should see this, it’s like... I don’t know it’s a nature reserve of some sort. We aren’t in Kansas anymore.’
‘I distinctly remember leaving Helsinki.’ He retorted back from the shadows.
‘It’s from a movie.’


‘You are gorgeous.’ I inhaled and looked to my other side, there was a man, beautiful, fair, very gently sinking a needle in and out of my shoulder. I laughed. Darn - I think I’m high.
‘Yes, we gave you something for the pain.’ She answered to my thought.


‘Elfings... ‘I steadied myself. ‘Elf twins.’ Now it came out right.


‘Scoot.’ I pushed my legs out of the bed and had Aleister helping me up. ‘Scoot means, out of the way, not please help me.’ I tried to being polite, but it’s not really my way.


She left and I became more aware of the blond elf, I turned to him. ‘I have no shoes.’ I frowned.
He smiled wickedly. ‘I could carry you.’
Was I being hit on by an elf? Well this day just kept getting odder by the minute. ‘I could walk.’ I said grimly and gathered my hems - mental sigh at that - and started out of the room.


Aleister smirked at the vampire before walking away.
‘Arrogant bastard isn’t he.’ It was a statement, not a question.


He snorted. ‘Just want make sure you are all well.’ His hands slid over my shoulder, feeling the wound.
‘I’m good, potent elf remedies.’ I wiggled to get free, his grip was iron like. ‘You know I’m starting to resent this, everyone is stronger than me. I want my gun.’


He looked at me worried. ‘But you are still healing, my Angel.’
‘Drop the possessive or I’ll swear I’ll smack you around.’ I heard Micael laugh, and regretted scowling at Aleister. ‘I’m sorry. It has been a long day.’


‘People, just stop calling me with endearments.’ I stated my command to the world, sure that it wouldn’t be heard regardless. ‘I suppose you won’t let me have the pants and tunic combination?’ I eyed the lavender and blue silk gown.

‘You suppose right.’ He said releasing my hand and starting to undress himself.


Must not imagine Micael, the vampire remember that, naked. His laugh was light, and slightly husky. I heard him brush off his shirt, I focused my eyes on the carving of an angel. Long nose, long twisting hair, zipper - jesus, stop listening - flowing gown, no wings, I wonder how I knew it was angel then. Maybe it was portraying an elf, they sure were pretty enough to be considered angels.